
Cereal: It's what's for breakfast

This is such a great idea. One of the talking-head sports radio shows put together a March Madness-inspired cereal tournament! They're already down to the Edible Eight today, and voting continues to see who will move on to the Flavorful Four and ultimately be crowned -- read closely, Wheaties legal team -- The Champion of Breakfasts! Vote here. I will likely break down this championship after the fact, with stunning insight and breathtaking analysis, just like the 8 jillion "experts" do for the hoops tourney. For good measure, I may throw in some comments about the respective cereals' slogans. Sound grrrrrrreat?

Speaking of crunchy particles in a morning milk bath, Relish recently had a good idea to post a blog encouraging suggestions for holiday-themed marshmallows in Lucky Charms. It started with idle chatter about how great it is to have kids who eat cereal, so the dads can also eat cereal, and grew to suggesting a limited run version of Lucky Charms with nothing but green clovers as the marshmallows. This chat took place right before St. Patty's Day, of course. The next obvious drop is pink hearts for Valentine's Day, and don't forget purple horseshoes for National Campground Pitching Stuff Challenge Day. But why limit it to existing marbits (short for marshmallow bits, since there's no way on General Mills' green earth that those are actually marshmallows)? What about:

Green Trees for Arbor Day (yawn)
Yellow Eggs for Easter
Orange Pumpkins for Halloween

Okay, those are the easy ones, and you are surely nearing slumber. Here's a site with a list of holidays. See if you can come up with unique marbit-holiday combinations, even make up your own holidays. Be your usual creative selves, and keep a reasonable level of etiquette (Charlie). Post in the Comments below! This could be just as fun (and tastier) than the Sea Kitten session! BEGIN!


  1. Okay, "monster cereals"? Give me a break. You can't distill Frankenberry, Count Chocula and Booberry (never mind Fruit Brute) down to just one entry. They are sooooo different. In my mind, Booberry would have gone the distance. Go Boo!

    As for marbits, how about pink boobs for Mardi Gras? I'd eat that.

  2. Here are a few for starters:
    Boss's Day: An Axe
    Election Day: Falling Chads
    Lincoln's BDay: Black stove top hats.
    Father's Day: Remote Controls

    And finally, for April Fools Day: No Charms at all!

  3. Steve, do you think that our fascination with sugary cereals has anything to do with the lack of them in our childhood, except on Christmas? However, as a mom, Lucky Charms are a special treat for the boys...

    I say: Red Roses for Mother's Day.
    Love, The Sis

  4. Woah...as I was eating my low-fat oatmeal, my mind bent in an international fashion...
    Sept 16 (Mexican Indep. Day)-sombreros!
    Cinco de Mayo-PiƱatas!
    Chinese New Year-all the signs of the zodiac! (Mine's the rabbit!)
    Canada Day(?)-maple-syrup flavored maple leaves, eh?
