Greetings, friends! I'm four (<--) words in and already my knuckles are creaking. While writing is a passion of mine, blogging has been an "I'll get to it later" task for about a year. Not coincidentally, it's been as full a year as I've had. We welcomed Oliver into the world last October 14, one month after I started a new job in the healthcare staffing industry. I went from marketing cookies to healthcare professionals. In a neat moment of irony, the anesthesiologist in the operating room gave me a cookie to help my blood sugar return to normal after I nearly passed out during the C-section. Recall - if you know anything about childbirth (or are over the age of 4) - that the father neither carries nor delivers the child. And yet I almost fainted, all while my wife - who was the actual surgery patient at the time - was telling me to hang in there and everything would be fine. Such is my constitution for all things hospitally and snippy and suctiony and birthy. My son's first sights and thoughts out of the womb:
Bright lights!
Somebody's hands - must be the doctor.
Where are they taking me?
Oh great, my Dad's a shivering wuss. Won't make it through a diaper change, I bet.
And he was right! The first diaper change was a disaster. (How does the poopy get on his heels?)
So The StepDude is named such because initially I was considering a blog about raising step-children; which were the only children I had a few years ago. But I still like the name and it's memorable and I had the URL, so there. I moved all my old posts here too, for simplicity. I find that the older I get, the less things I want to keep track of. Life, unfortunately, has a way of making that an uphill battle; from children to job responsibilities to usernames and passwords to friends' children (Oh, hey Frank. How is, uh, Chr...Jay...your littlest one doing?) to vitamins and supplements to assorted remedies which help one poop. More and more while I have the focus for less and less. I can't complain though - my life seems comically easy at times. Justin Bieber has faced more adversity (i.e., getting blended.)
More to come in the near future. It'll sound more like a column and less like "this dude's blog about his boring life"; I'll feel better about you sharing it with strangers via Shoutface and Bookperch that way. Or do what I do and just email a "hyperlink" to Mom and Dad. They'll read it. (By "they" I mean my own Mom and Dad. Their email address is...)
Glad your back! I enjoy reading your blobs. Ranks right up there with a Janet Evanovich book.