
I'll take the Sea Kitten combo

This past Saturday, I was out and about having a "big day" - you know, Home Depot, drop off the recycling, take old clothes and shoes to DI (Deseret Industries... it's the Goodwill of Utah). It was around 1pm and I hadn't eaten yet, but I needed some fuel for my big kitchen counter tile repair grouting project. I realized I was near an Arby's, and the thought of a chicken fingers meal entered my brain...and stayed there. I could smell it, taste it, feel the crispy batter on my tongue.

Back in high school, I played a little sport called "basketball". High school basketball meant plenty of road trips in a van, which meant lots of fast food. One year, on an early season trip to Petoskey (seriously), I remember setting a new precedent for the team by ordering the chicken fingers meal - with Arby's sauce and BBQ for dipping. They all thought I was crazy! Who gets chicken fingers when you can have a Roast Beef, or better yet, Beef 'n Cheddar? But I was so over the roast beef craze. You wanna talk roast beef? You best recognize one of my childhood favorites - Rax. Anyhoo, a few trips later and guess what was all the rage in the b-ball van? Chicken fingers meal, baby.

So I rolls into the Arby's drive thru, tummy rumblin'. I notice the menu board is a bit patchy - a couple of the screens are empty, looks like maybe they're changing over promotions. Who knows. I didn't see the chicken fingers offerings, but this is friggin' Arby's so I says to the box, "I just want the chicken fingers meal, please." The headset-wearer says, "Sorry sir, we don't have chicken fingers" - no explanation, no "we ran out" - just, "we don't have them". This must be a mistake! Defeated, I order a Bacon Beef 'n Cheddar - NO FRIES OR SODA to spite them - and head home with my consolation sandwich. Either that location is going out of business, or there is a serious chicken shortage somewhere. Why is it that on the rare occasions your brain gets fixated on something, you inevitably cannot satisfy that fixation?

On a related note, PETA is campaigning to rename fish "sea kittens". This is not a satire article, they really do. I sort of hope this catches on, just so fast food and restaurant menus can get a little more creative than "fish-wich". I'm thinking "Boots-of-the-Sea Burger", or maybe "The General Bonkers Special".


  1. Ah RAX! I loved RAX! You know it is hard to find people in the area who even remember that this restaurant existed. Best sandwiches and huge salad bar. I'll have to go back and read the wiki page.

    Sorry, there were no chicken fingers. I think they still have them here, although I have to admit I don't think chicken when I'm thinkin' Arbys.

  2. Curses HPL! You have bested me with your menu offering cleverness!

  3. Hey, for a sea kitten marketing campaign at Arby's: The Cat in the Hat kids meal.....
